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326 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

imagination, fancy, fiction, daydreamğeyal [e.] [Ar. χaˈyaːl]
Indonesiaİndonezya [d.] [coğ.]
Iranİran [e.] [Orta-Far. → Eski-Far.] [coğ.]
Iraqİraq [e.] [Sumer.] [coğ.]
Irelandİrlanda [d.] [coğ.]
Icelandİslanda [d.] [coğ.]
Israelİsrail [e.] [coğ.]
Italyİtalya [d.] [coğ.]
Israeli New ShekelŞeqelo İsraili Newiye
in the eveningşande (şan, şon, şonde, san, sande, son sonde)
it is used as "our people" in Varto, Hınıs, Tekman and many other regionsşare ma (Gımgım, Xınıs, Tekman u bini)
intuit, perceive, feelşezut kerdene
in the morningşodıra
intuitionşêzut (şêzıt) (2)
inoculate, vaccinate (für plants)aşle kerdene (1)
islandade [e.]
Isle of ManAdeyê Mani [coğ.]
IP adress (Internet Protocol adress)adresa IP (adresa Protokolê İnterneti)
is interested, interested inalaqadar beno
invite your friendsalbazanê to dawet (dewet) ke
invite friends to join facebookalbazanê xo seba tewrê cı biyayene facebooki dewet ke
incoming video callamayena vengdayenê videoyi
in sommeramnan de
intelligence, mind, understanding, common sense, reason, wisdom, memory, thought, piece of adviceaqıl [e.] [Ar.]
intelligent, clever, smart, educated arıf [sıf.] [Ar.]
interruption, glitch, complicationarıza [Ar.]
in the sweat of the facearaqê çari
iron, of iron, ironcladasınên [sıf.]
imitationasaney [d.]
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326 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

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