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sled, sledge, tobagganğızage (ğızange)
sack, bagğal (çwal, çial) [e.] [sıf. → 2) [Far. ğwāl]
Spainİspanya [d.] [coğ.]
Swedenİsweç [e.] [coğ.]
Switzerland İswiçre [coğ.]
spinachıspanax [Far. → Orta Far.] [bot.]
Shahmaran, is a mythical creature, half woman and half snake, found with different variations in the folklore of Iran, Anatolia, Iraq, Kurds and of the DEZD's. Şahê Moru (Sahê Moru) [d.] [mit.]
SivasŞevaz (Sevaz) [e.]
Somali ShillingŞilingê Somalya
sword şımşêr [e.] [Far.]
surprised, disconcerted, shaken, completely at a loss, baffled, perplexedşaşmende [sıf.] (2)
surprised, disconcerted, shaken, completely at a loss, baffled, perplexedşaşxun (sasxun) [sıf.] (1)
shampooşampuan [d.] [İng. → Hin.]
six thousand, 6000şeş hazari, 6000
six hundred thousand, 600000şeş sey hazari, 600000
six hundred, 600şeş sey, 600 [Far. šeš-sad]
six, 6şeş, 6 [Far.]
sixthşeşine [sıf.]
sixty years, 60 yearsşeşti serre, 60 serre [t.]
sixty two years, 62 yearsşeşti u dı(de) serri, 62 serri [ç.]
sixty one years, 61 yearsşeşti u jû serre, 61 serre [t.]
sixty five years, 65 yearsşeşti u phonc serri, 65 serri [ç.]
sixty, 60şeşti, şeştay, 60
sixtieth şeştine [sıf.]
sugarşekır (şeker, seker) [e.] [Far. → Orta Far.]
shalwar, baggy pants, harem trousers şelwari [ç.] [Far. → Orta Far.]
saturdayşeme (peyê yeni) (kılm: şem) [e.]
Sharia (here Alevi interpretation: the first gate of the alevi doctrine "four gates and 40 levels", learning and accepting the laws and duties of the community)şeriat [din.] [Ar.]
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