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98 selected entries:  1  31  61  91 

Ugandan ShillingŞilingê Uganda
underestimate, underrate, underestimate, undervalueşenık diyayene
untitled albumalbumo bêsername
uncleap [e.] (apê mı - benim amcam) (1)
uvula bılancıke [anat.]
under(neath) (or beneath) it (or that, them)bınê... ra (bınê kıtabi ra - kitabın altın(d)a)
unite! merge!bıpiyanaye!
upload!bar bıke! (bar ke!)
uploadingbar beno
uvulabelıke (zonê qıc, zonê qıckek) [d.] [anat.]
unlucky, unfortunate, unhappybêşans [sıf.]
unfortunatebêbext [sıf.]
useless, futile, of no usebêfeyde (bêfayde) [sıf.]
unfeeling, insensitiv, callousbêhis [sıf.] (1)
unbelieving, faithlessbêiman [sıf.]
unemployed, jobless, worklessbêkar u bêgure
unemployed, jobless, worklessbêkar [sıf.]
unlockedbêkilıt (bêkılıt) [sıf.]
unwrinkled, uncreased, creaseless, without folds, non-crumple, non-crease, smoothbêqırmoçık (bêqermeçık, bêqırmıç) [sıf.]
unlimitedbêsinor (bêsindor) [sıf.]
untimely, timelessbêwaxt (bêwext) [sıf.]
unsuitable, unfit, unsuited, disastrous, faithlessbêxêyr [sıf.]
unarmed, defenceless, defenselessbêçhek [sıf.]
unwellness, bad feeling, friction, note of discord, indispositionbêçêfêni (bêkêfêni, bêkefiye)
undo, take off, take down, cut off, tear off, rip off, partition off cıra kerdene (ken- cıra, kerd- cıra, cıra ker- ) [f.]
universal, international cihanşümul [sıf.] [Far./Ar.]
universality, internationalitycihanşümuliye
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98 selected entries:  1  31  61  91 

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