| English | ZonêMa/Kirmancki | walker, rollator | ğırğırıke |
word treasure (in the sense of "word treasure", all words belonging to a language) | ğezna qesu (ğezna çekuye (çeku) ) [d.] [gram.] |
whistling | ğulene |
welcome! | şıma xêr amey! |
wool comb | şanê pırçi |
wash | şütene (şün-, şüt-, -şüy- ) [f.] |
we are | (ma) mayme |
when did she get married? (f) | a key zeweciya? [d.] |
where does she comes from | a koti rawa? [d.] (a Xınıs rawa - o Hınıs'dan) |
worried | a qısawate kena [d.] |
who is the girl? | a çêneke kama? [d.] |
weak, feeble, exhausted, incapable, unable | acız [sıf.] [Ar.] |
West Africa | Afrikaya Rocawan |
world, universe, milieu, people, state, spree, party | alem [e.] [Ar.] |
without resistance, sensible, level-headed, calm | alimiti [sıf.] |
worker, Nobody, prole | amela [Ar.] |
who ist this? [f.] | ana (na) kama? [d.] |
who is this lady | ana cênıke kama? [d.] |
what is this? | ana çıka? (belirli), na çıka? (belirsiz) [d.] |
where do these four children come from? | ani çar domanu koti raê? (belirli), ni çar domanu koti raê? (belirsiz) [ç.] |
who is this man? | anu ciamêrd kamo? anu mêrdê kamo? [e.] |
who is this? [m.] | anu (nu) kamo? [e.] |
what is this? | anu çıko? (belirli), nu çıko? (belirsiz) [e.] |
writer (for applicants) | arzuhalker/e [e./d.] |
walking stick, | asa [Ar.] |
water | awe (owe, ağwe) [d.] |
work! | bıguriye! |
work! | bıguriyê! |
wound | bırin [Kü.] |
wish! | bıwaze! |