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 qurdıse cı biyene (zebeqiyayene, bılas(ê) (cı) biyayene, pras biyayene)
hair ribbon, silk ribbonqurdele [Ìt.]
 qurdi kerdene (qurde kerdene)
 qure [Ar. → 2]
 qurfayene (qurfen-, qurfa-, -qurf- ), qurfiyene [f.]
 qurfnayene [qurfnen-, qurfna-, -qurfn- ) [f.]
 qurmık [e.] [zool.]
 qurnayene (qurnen-, qurna-, -qurn- ) [f.]
smart, sharp, shrewd, clever, cunning, crafty, roguishqurnaz [sıf.] [Far.] (3)
shrewdness, cunning, craftiness, wiliness, foxiness, trickinessqurnaziye (qurnajiye) (3)
 qurnaziye kerdene (qurnajiye kerdene)
 qurqurnayene (qurqurnen-, qurqurna-, -qurqurn- ) [f.]
 qurrayene (qurren-, qurra-, -qur- ) [f.]
 qurs dayene
 qurs [Fr.]
 qurt kotene, qurt niştene
heap of stonesqurç (qurçık) [e.]
 qurçi (qurçik, nêrquç)
pinch, nipqurçi kerdene (qurçik kerdene, nêrquç kerdene)
1) Quraysh, an arab tribe who ruled Mecca at the time of the prophet Mohammed and held a leading political role until the beginning of modern times. 2) one of the godsQurêyş (Qurêys, Qurêş, Qurês) [din.] [mit. → 2] [Ar. قريش, Quraiš]
 qusır [e.] [Ar.]
sorry, excuse me, no offence, do not take offensequsır de nia mede (1)
sorry, excuse me, no offence, do not take offense qusuri meewni (2)
 qut qurfiyayene
 qut [e.]
inboxqutiya amayene (2)
Support InboxQutiya Amayene Desteki
groups inboxqutiya amayene grubi
move to inboxqutiya amayene rê bıkırışte
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