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419 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

pitiless, merciless, cruel, ruthless, tyrant ğedar [sıf.] [Ar.]
pitilessness, mercilessness, crueltyğedarêni (ğedariye)
planting vegetable seedling, planting young plantşıtıl denayene (şıtıl nan- de, şıtıl na- de, şıtıl den- )
personally, in person, individuallyşahsi (şahsan) [Far.]
poet, poetess, writer (of poetry), bard, minstrelşair/e [e./d.] [Ar.]
plasterer şaxkar/e [e./d.]
peachşeftaliye (sefteliye, sıfteliye) [d.] [Far.] [bot.]
performance art theatreşenatiye hunermendê sehney
privacy practicesşerti u qeydeyê xısusiyeti (mınıtayeni)
passwordşifre [e.] [Ar.]
passwordsşifrey [ç.]
poemşiire (şeire) [d.] [Ar.]
poisonağwi (ağü) [e.] [Far. → Orta Far. → Avesta (Zend)]
Pitcairn IslandsAdeyê Pitcairni [coğ.]
placard, bill, posterafiş [e.] [Fr.]
plumalınça (alça, heruga) [d.] [bot.] [Far. → Orta Far.]
posts from friends and groupsalbazanê u grubanê ra rıştey
pineappleananas [d.] [Por. → G. Amerika (Tupi/Guarani)] [bot.]
proudanorın [sıf.]
phoenixAnqa (Theyra Anqa) [d.] [mit.] [Ar.] [Orta Far. (Phlv.) sēnmurv, sīnamrūġ]
petitionarzuhal [Ar.]
pull oneself up, concentrate, gather, collectarêbiyayene (ben- arê, bi arê, arêb- ) [f.] (1)
pack up, gather, collectarêdayene (dan- arê, da- arê, arêd- ) [f.]
public order, public security, quietasayiş [e.] [Far.]
palate, roof of the mouthasmênê feki (thamaq, as(ı)raq, sıraq) [anat.]
peppermint juice, mint water awa (owa) pune
people people! bıra bıra!
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419 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

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