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419 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

pizzapizza [İt.]
planplan [Fr. → İt. → Lat.]
planner planker/e [e./d.]
platformplatform [Fr. → Geç Lat. ]
platformplatform [Fr. → Lat.]
platinum (atomic number 78, element symbol Pt)platin (Pt) [kimya] [Fr. → Yeni Lat. → İsp. → Lat.]
pluginplugin (ilawey software)
pointpoan [Fr. → Lat.]
public ratingpoanê rakerdey (yakerdey)
podcast, subscribable audio files on the Internet (Pod from iPod, and cast, from Broadcast (radio)podcast [Ìng.]
patch pol (polık, pölık)
patched , spottedpolın (polıkın) [sıf.]
PolandPolanya [d.]
pole (m)polanyanıc [e.]
polish women (f)polanyanıce [d.]
polespolanyanıci [ç.]
politics, policypolitik [Fr. → Eski Yun.]
politicianpolitikber (2)
PolandPolonya [d.] [coğ.]
policepolês [e.] [Fr. → Lat. → Eski Yun.]
popular, top, bestpopuler [Fr. → Lat.]
Portugal Portekiz [e.] [coğ.]
post, mailposta [İt. → Lat.]
potentialpotensiyal [Lat.]
posepoz [Fr. → Geç Lat → Eski Yun.]
positivepozitiv [Fr.]
practicalpratik [sıf.] [Fr. → Lat. → Eski Yun.]
principleprinsip [Fr. → Lat.]
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419 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

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