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801 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

swimmer, someone who can swimaznaber/e (ajneber/e) [e./d.]
swimajne (azne, azna) [d.]
smell of burning wool (or fabric, clothing)boe lıve
sentencecumla [d.] [gram.] [Ar.]
smell of burning hairboe ğızale
self-conceit, conceitedness, vanity, to flaunt yourself, pompçalım [e.] [Tr.]
shea (ya) [d.]
superlek [sıf.]
smallpoxcit vetene [tıbbi]
spendzay kerdene (2)
shoulderkılık [e.] [anat.]
subjunctive mood, conjunctive (linguistic) qalıbê waştene [gram.]
Simple Present Tense (linguistic)waxto hira (demo hira) [gram.]
shopping street, marketçarşi [e.] [Far. → Orta Far.] (şıma şonê çarşi? - siz çarşıya mı gidiyorsunuz?)
sattelite satelit [e.] [Fr./İng. → Lat.]
sendersruşnaoği (rusnaoği) [ç.]
sellers, salesmans, vendorsrotoği [ç.]
sideburns, sideboardsxocig (xojig) [e.]
string(ed) instrument (musical)thembure (thombıre) [e.] [Far./Ar.] (thembure cınıtene (cenayene) - tambura çalmak)
some pants, a few pantscıtê pantoli
some shirts, a few shirts cıtê işligi
star fruit (Karambole, Karambola. Carambola)meyweyê astari (estari) [bot.]
streetsoqax [e.] [Akat.] (2)
swanquye [d.] [zool.]
spine, dorsalphışti (pheşti, phaşti, phoşti) [d.] [anat.] (1)
snout (animal)fırrne [d.] [zool.]
small intestineloqara bariye (loqareya bariye, loqlaya bariye) [anat.]
shinbone, tibiapêtıke (pêtke) [d.] [anat.]
she does not/doesn't bringa nêana (niana) [d.]
semicolonnuqte-virgul ( ; )
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