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488 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

English ^ZonêMa/Kirmancki
blackberrydırrıka şiaye (tuye teliyini, dırrıka siaye) (Rubus) [d.] [bot.]
black day, mourning dayroca şiaye (siyaye)
black boardtexteyê nuştişi
blackşia (siya) [sıf.] [Far. → Orta Far. → Eski Far./Avesta → Sanskr.]
bittersweet nightshadeşirinuthal (Solanum dulcamara) [bot.]
bitterly regretzaniyanê xo ro dayene (dan- zaniyanê xo ro)
bitterly disappointedkorphoseman
bitegac kerdene, gaz kerdene, gaj kerdene, goz kerdene
bit by bittek be (ve) tek
bison, (North American) buffalobizon [zool.] [Fr. → Lat.]
birthdaysrocê biyayenê [ç.]
birthdayroca biyayene
birth, born, came into the worldamayene dina (dinya) (roca amayena dina - dünyaya geliş günü)
bird’s nesthalên (halêndi)
birds, bird worldtheyr u thur (theyr u tebul, theyr u tebur) [zool.]
bird çuçıke [d.] (2)
birdtheyr (thêr, thayr) [e.] [zool.] (1)
birchdara thuzıke [bot.]
biology biyoloci [Fr. → Alm. → Eski Yun.]
biological weapon çhekê biyolociki
biologicalbiyolocik [Fr.]
biographybiyografi [e.] [Fr.]
Bingöl Çolig [e.]
billy-goat kelece (kel) [e.] [zool.]
billionaire, milliardairemilyarder/e [e./d.] [Fr.]
billion, 1000000000milare, 1000000000
bill, invoicefatura [İt. → Lat.]
bill, beak nukıle (nukılıke, niklıke) [zool.]
bill, beaknikıle [d.] [zool.]
bilberry, blueberrygıllebor [bot.]
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488 selected entries:  1  31  61  91  121  151  181  211  241  271  >> 

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