Water Mite Bibliography This database is under construction. There are no keywords and no abstracts included. If you find some errors or you miss some data please mail to Sebastian at publication@watermite.de (link below)

Water Mite Bibliography

Water mite literature from 1985 onwards (or not listed by Viets, 1982, 1987) older publication coming soon!

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Wohltmann, A., Witte, H. & Olomski, R.2001Patterns favouring adaptive radiation versus patterns of stasis in Parasitengonae (Acari: Prostigmata).in: Halliday, R.B., Walter, D.E., Proctor, H.C., Norton, R.A. & Colloff, M.J. (eds.). Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Acarology. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne: 83-99.
Yakimenko, V.V., P.V. Tuzovskij, O.V. Kalmin, I.I. Bogdanov1997Vodjanye klesci Hydrachnidae juga zapadnoj sibiri v svjazi s ich ucastiem v circulacij arbovirusov [The water mites of SW Siberia and their role in the circulation of arboviruses].Parazitologija 31: 414-426
Yourth, C.P., Forbes, M.R. & Smith, B.P.2002Immune expression in a damselfly is related to time of season, not to fluctuating asymmetry or host size.Ecological Entomology 27: 123-128.
Yourth, C.P., M.R. Forbes & B.P. Smith2001On understanding variation in immune expression of the damselflies Lestes spp.Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (5): 815-821.
Zawal, A.1992Water mites (Hydracarina) of three small lakes in the neighbourhoud of Poznan.Acta Hydrobiol. 34: 157-174
Zawal, A.1993[Lake typology based on water mites (Hydracarina)].Uniwersytet Szczeci1/2ski, Materia(y Konferencje: 13-17. (in Polish)
Zawal, A.1996[Water mites as bioindicator].Uniwersytet Szczeci1/2ski, Materia(y Konferencje 19: 229-234. (in Polish)
Zawal, A.1998[The reason of environmental occuring some water mites species from Hydrachna Müll. and Eylais Ltr. genera (Hydracarina, Acari). Uniwersytet Szczeci1/2ski, Materia(y Konferencje 33: 249-260. (in Polish)
Zawal, A.1998Water mites (Hydracarina) in the branchial cavity of crayfish Orconectes limosus (Raf. 1817).Acta Hydrobiologica 40: 49-54
Zawal, A.1999[New and rare species of water mites (Hydracarina) in the fauna of Poland from the Babia Góra massif].Przegl(d Zoologicny 42: 97-102. (in Polish)
Zharvoronkova, O.D.1989The structure of the gnathosoma and feeding in the water mite Piona longipalpis Krendowsky, 1878 (Acariformes).Trudy Instituta Biologii Vnutrennikh vod Akademii Nauk SSSR, 56 (59), 200-214
Zhavoronkova O.D.1991Structure of the mouthparts and nutrition of water-mites of the family Arrhenuridae (Acariformes).Entomological Review 70: 76-84
Zhavoronkova O.D.1991Morphology of the mouth apparatus and feeding of the water mite Limnochares aquatica (Acariformes).Entomological Review 70: 117-122
Zhavoronkova, O.D.1994Limnesiidae as in the example of Limnesia maculata (Acariformes, Hydracarina).Entomological Review 73: 67-73
Ċbro, A.1992On the feeding and stylostome composition of parasitic water mite larvae (Arrenurus spp.) on damselflies (Zygoptera, Odonata).Zool. Beitr. N.F. 34: 241-248
Ċbro, A.1992Attachment and feeding devices of water mite larvae (Arrenurus ssp.) parasitic on damselflies (Odonata, Zygoptera).Zool. Scripta 8: 221-234
Özkan, M.1988Tadjikothyas cinsi (Hydrachnellae, Acari) ve türkiyeden yeni bir alttürü hakkinda.Doga, Tr. J. of Zoology 12: 53-61
Özkan, M.1988Hydryphantes (s.str.) crassipalpis Koenike, 1914 (Hydryphantidae, Hydrachnellae, Acari) üzerine bir arastirma.Doga, Tr. J. Zoology 12: 86-19
Özkan, M.1989Dogu anadolu su akarlarli (Acari, Hydrachnellae) üzerine sistematik arastirmalar IV.Doga Türk Zooloji Dergisi 13 (2): 88-108. (Systematic studies on the water mites (Acari, Hydrachnellae) of eastern Turkey)
Özkan, M. & C. Bader1988Zwei neue Arten nebst Ergänzungen zur türkischen Wassermilben-Fauna (Acari, Actinedida, Hydrachnellae).Arch. Hydrobiol. 114: 133-145
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Sebastian Scheidegger

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