Water Mite Bibliography This database is under construction. There are no keywords and no abstracts included. If you find some errors or you miss some data please mail to Sebastian at publication@watermite.de (link below)

Water Mite Bibliography

Water mite literature from 1985 onwards (or not listed by Viets, 1982, 1987) older publication coming soon!

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Vidrine, M.F.1996North American Najadicola and Unionicola: systematics and coevolution.Gail Q. Vidrine Collections, Eunice, p. 1-146
Vidrine, M.F.1996North American Najadicola and Unionicola: I. Dianosis of genera and subgenera. II. Key. III. List of Reported Hosts.Gail Q. Vidrine Collections, Eunice, p. 1-182
Vidrine, M.F., R.E. McLaughlin & O.R. Willis1987Report of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnellae) in southwestern Louisiana rice fields.Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci. 50: 18-20
Viets, K.O.1987Die Milben des Süßwassers (Hydrachnellae und Halacaridae [part.], Acari). 2: Katalog.Sonderbände des Naturwiss.Vereins Hamburg 8: 1-1012
Vinçon, G.1987Étude hydrobiologique de la vallée d'Ossau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) II. Le milieu et la structure du peuplement benthique.Annls. Limnol. 23: 225-243
Walter, D.E. & H.C. Proctor1998Predatory Mites in Tropical Australia: Local Species Richness and Complementarity.Biotropica 30 (1): 72-81
Walter, D.E. & H.C. Proctor1999Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour.University of New South Wales Press and Wallingford, Sydney, 322 pp.
Washburn, J. O., J.R. Anderson & D. R. Mercer1989Emergence characteristics of Aedes sierrensis (Diptera: Culicidae) from California treeholes with particular reference to parasite loads.J. Med. Entomol. 26: 173-182
Weiberg, M. & D.D. Edwards1997Survival and reproductivity output of Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae) in response to parasitism by larval Unionicola foili (Acari: Unionicolidae).J. Parasitol. 83: 173-175
Wen, C. & Z. Zhu2001A new species of water mites in the genus Limnesia from Jiangxi, China (Acari: Limnesiidae).Systematic & Applied Acarology 6: 155-157
Wen, Chun-Gen & Zhi-Min Zhu1999Seven species of water mites in the genus Unionicola from Jiangxi (Acari: Unionicolidae).Acta Zootaxonomica sinica 24: 30-37
Wen, Chungen & Zhimin Zhu1996One new species and one unrecorded species of water mite from China (Acari: Hydrachneliae: Unionicolidae).Acta Arachnologica Sinica 5: 92-95
Wen, Chungen & Zhimin Zhu1998A new species of the genus Unionicola from China (Acari: Unionicolidae).Systematic & Applied Acarology 3: 171-174
Wen, Chungen, Zhimin Zhu & Bin Xia1998Description of a new species of the genus Unionicola from China (Acari: Unionicolidae).Acta Arachnologica sinica 7: 19-21
Wiles, P.R1999The water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of Borneo and additional new species from Thailand and Sulawesi.The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 47 (2): 409-439
Wiles, P.R.1986Hydrodroma monticola (Piersig) (Hydrachnidia, Hydrodromidae Koch 1837): a redefinition of the species.Arch. Hydrobiol. 108: 135-140
Wiles, P.R.1988Watermites of the genus Arrenurus Duges 1834 (Hydrachnidia) from Peninsular Malaysia.Malayan Nature Journal 41: 479-504
Wiles, P.R.1989Two New Species of Watermites (Torrenticola: Acari) from S E. Asia.Microscopy 36: 245-248
Wiles, P.R.1989Five new species of watermite (Acari Hydrachnidia) from North Sulawesi, Indonesia.Microscopy 36: 321-328
Wiles, P.R.1990The watermites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of North Sulawesi.In: Insects and the rain forest of South East Asia (Wallacea): 279-295. W.J. Knight & J.D. Holloway (eds.), The Royal Entomological Society of London.
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Sebastian Scheidegger

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