Water Mite Bibliography This database is under construction. There are no keywords and no abstracts included. If you find some errors or you miss some data please mail to Sebastian at publication@watermite.de (link below)

Water Mite Bibliography

Water mite literature from 1985 onwards (or not listed by Viets, 1982, 1987) older publication coming soon!

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Smith, I.M.1989North American water mites of the family Momoniidae Viets (Acari: Arrenuroidea). II. Revision of species of Momonia Halbert, 1906.Can. Ent. 121: 965-987
Smith, I.M.1989North American water mites of the family Momoniidae Viets (Acari: Arrenuroidea). III. Revision of species of Stygomomonia Szalay, 1943, subgenus Allomomonia Cook, 1968.Can. Ent. 121: 989-1025
Smith, I.M.1989Description of two new species of Platyhydracarus gen. nov. from western North America, with remarks on classification of Athienemanniidae (Acari: Parasitengona: Arrenuroidea).Can. Ent. 121: 709-726
Smith, I.M.1990Description of two new species of Stygameracarus gen. nov. from North America, and proposal of Stygameracarinae subfam. nov. (Acari: Arrenuroidea: Athienemaniidae).Can Ent. 122: 181-190
Smith, I.M.1990Proposal of Nudomideopsidae fam. nov. (Acari: Arrenuroidea) with a review of North American taxa and descriptions of a new subgenus and species of Nudomideopsis Szalay, 1945.Can. Ent. 122: 229-252
Smith, I.M.1991Water mites (Acari: Parasitengona: Hydrachnida) of spring habitats in Canada.Mem. ent. Soc. Can. 155: 141-167
Smith, I.M.1991North American water mites of the genera Phreatibrachypoda Cook and Bharatalbia Cook (Acari: Hygrobatoidea: Aturidae).Can. Ent. 123: 465-499
Smith, I.M.1991North American water mites of the family Momoniidae Viets (Acari: Arrenuroidea). IVI. Revision of species of Stygomomia (sensu stricto) Szalay, 1943.Can. Ent. 123: 501-518
Smith, I.M.1991Descriptions of new species representing new or unreported genera of Lebertiodea (Acari: Hydrachnida) from Noth America.Can. Ent. 123: 811-825
Smith, I.M.1991Water mites (Acari: Parasitengona: Hydrachnida) of spring habitats in Canada.In: Arthropods of springs, with particular reference to Canada. Williams D.D. & H. V. Danks (Eds.), Mem. Ent. Soc. Can. 155: 217 pp.
Smith, I.M.1992North American species of the genus Chelomideopsis Romijn (Acari: Arrenuroidea: Athienemanniidae).Can. Ent. 124: 451-490
Smith, I.M.1992North American water mites of the family Chappuisididae Motas and Tanasachi (Acari: Arrenuroidea).Can. Ent. 124: 637-723
Smith, I.M.1998Chelohydracarus navarrensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Acari: Hydrachnida: Athienemanniidae).Int. J. Acarol. 24: 327-330
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1991Water mites.In: Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates: 523-592. Thorp, J. & A. Covich (Eds.), Academic Press, San Diego.
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1994North American species of Neomamersinae Lundblad (Acari: Hydrachnida: Limnesiidae).Can. Ent. 126: 1131-1184
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1996New and unreported species of Neotyrrelia, Protolimnesia (Protolimnesella) and Centrolimnesia (Acari: Hydrachnida: Limnesiidae) from the United States.Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Autón. México, Ser. Zool. 67: 265-277
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1997Description of Amoenacarus dixiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., and proposal of Amoenacaridae fam. nov. (Acari: Hydrachnida: Arrenuroidea).Internat. J. Acarol. 23: 107-112
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1998The Axonopsella-like water mites of the United States (Acari: Hydrachnida: Aturidae).Int. J. Acarol. 24: 311-325
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1998Three new species of water mites representing new genera of Thyadinae from North America (Acari: Hydrachnida: Hydryphantidae).Int. J. Acarol. 24: 331-339
Smith, I.M. & D.R. Cook1999North American species of Tartarothyas Viets (Acari: Hydrachnida: Hydryphantidae).Int. J. Acarol. 25: 37-42
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Sebastian Scheidegger

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