Water Mite Bibliography This database is under construction. There are no keywords and no abstracts included. If you find some errors or you miss some data please mail to Sebastian at publication@watermite.de (link below)

Water Mite Bibliography

Water mite literature from 1985 onwards (or not listed by Viets, 1982, 1987) older publication coming soon!

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Rosso de Ferradas, B.E. & K. Böttger1997Water mites from stagnant waters of Paraguay.Amazonia 24: 177-212
Rosso de Ferradas, B.E., F. J. Kaisin & A.S. Bosnia1987Seasonal variation of density and biomass of Hydracarina (Acari) in a North-Patagonian reservoir (Neuquén, Argentina).Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 22: 113-127
Rosso de Ferradás, B. & C.I. Mattoni1999Ácaros reófilos (Acari: Hydrachnidia) de las sierras de Córdoba (Argentina). III.Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 58: 109-127
Rosso de Ferradás, B. & H.F. Fernández2001Arrenurus Dugès (Acari: Prostigmata: Parasitengona) fitotélmicos de Venezuela.Entomotropica 16: 53-60
Rousch, J.M., T.W. Simmons, B.L. Kerans and B.P. Smith1997Realative acute effects of low pH and high iron on hatching and survival of the water mite (Arrenurus manubriator) and the aquatic insect (Chironomus riparius).Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16: 2144-2150
Scheidegger, S.1999Der Einfluss von Wassermilben (Hydrachnidia, Acari) auf Cladoceren-Populationen.Diplomarbeit Freie Univ. Berlin, 139 pp.
Schwarz, A.E, J. Schwoerbel & M. Gruia1998Hydracarina.In: Juberthie, C & V. Decu (Eds.), Encyclopaedia Biospeologica, Tome II: 953-976. Moulis, Bucarest.
Schwoerbel, J.1987Rheophile Wassermilben (Acari: Hydrachnellae) aus Chile. 3. Arten aus Thermalgewässern.Arch. Hydrobiol. 110: 399-407
Schwoerbel, J.1991Eine interessante Wassermilbenfauna in Quellen am Mindelsee.Veröff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Württ. 66: 409-413
Sepasgosarian, H.1999Hydrachnellae studies in Iran.Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg 13 (160): 101-109
Sezek, F. & M. Ozkan2000A study of Eylais rahmi Ozkan, 1982 (Acari, Hydrachnellae: Eylaidae).Int. J. Acarol. 26: 161-166
Smit, H.1992The water mites (Acari, Hydrachnellae) described by A.J. Besseling from The Netherlands.Ent. Ber., Amst. 52: 165-168
Smit, H.1992Kawamuracarus sulawesienis sp. n., the first hyporheic water mite from Sulawesi, Indonesia (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Stygologia 7: 127-128
Smit, H.1992Water mites from New South Wales and Queensland, Australia (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 135: 91-112
Smit, H.1994New species of water mites from West Africa (Acari, Hydrachnellae), including a checklist of species recorded from Cameroon.Storkia 3: 5-11
Smit, H.1995New Records of Water Mites from Morocco, with the Description of one New Subspecies (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Aquatic Insects 17: 17-24
Smit, H.1995New records of water mites from Turkey, with 11 species new for the Turkish fauna (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Storkia 4: 10-15
Smit, H.1996Two new and rare Arrenurus-species from The Netherlands (Acari: Hydrachnellae).Ent. Ber., Amst. 56: 56-59
Smit, H.1996Ten new species of water mites from Sulawesi and Waigeo, Indonesia (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 15: 5-19
Smit, H.1996New species of water mites from New Zealand with remarks on the water mites from ponds and lakes (Acari, Hydrachnellae).Acarologia 37: 45-53
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Sebastian Scheidegger

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