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Mit Bildern argumentieren - 9.-11. März 2001







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Autor:Arnheim, Rudolf
Titel:Visual Thinking
Verlag:University of California Press, ISBN 0-520-01871-0
Kommentar:Arnheim asserts, that all thinking (not just thinking related to art or other visual experiences) is basically perceptual in nature - and that the ancient dichotomy between seeing and thinking, between perceiving and reasoning, is false and misleading.
He shows that even the fundamental processes of vision involve mechanisms typical of reasoning, and he describes problem-solving in the arts as well as imaery in the tought-models of science. Far from beeing a "lower" function, our perceptual response to the world is the basic means by which we structure events, and from which we derive ideas and therefore language.
The materials used in Arnheims's argument come from philosophers ancient and modern; from psychological laboratory experiments; from the work on the perception and art-work of children; from scientific writigns in physics and astronomy.
Rudolf Arnheim is Professor Emeritus of Psychology of Art at Harvard.

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