Water Mite Bibliography This database is under construction. There are no keywords and no abstracts included. If you find some errors or you miss some data please mail to Sebastian at publication@watermite.de (link below)

Water Mite Bibliography

Water mite literature from 1985 onwards (or not listed by Viets, 1982, 1987) older publication coming soon!

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Gledhill, T. & P.R. Wiles1997Water-mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from Sri Lanka with descriptions of a new genus and two new speciesArch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 107: 513-539
Goldschmidt, T.1998Osmoregulation bei der neotropischen Wassermilbe Neotyrellia aus Costa Rica (Limnesiidae, Hydrachnidia).Verh. Westd. Entom. Tag 1997, Düsseldorf 213-216
Goldschmidt, T.2002The biodiversity of Neotropical water mites.In: F. Bernini, Nannelli, G., Nuzzaci, G. & de Lillo, E., ed. Acarid Phylogeny and Evolution. Adaptions in mites and ticks. Dortrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 91-99
Goldschmidt, T., G. Alberti & E.I. Meyer1999Presence of acetabula-like structures on the coxae of the neotropical water mite genus Neotyrrelia (Tyrrelliinae, Limnesiidae).In: Bruin, J., L.P.S. van der Geest & M.W. Sabelis (Eds.), Ecology and Evolution of the Acari: 491-497. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
Growns, J.E.2001Aquatic mites as bioindicators, with an Australian example.In: Acarology, Proceedings fo the 10th International Congress. (R.B. Halliday, D.E.Walter, H.C. Proctor, R.A.Norton and M.J. Colloff, eds.), pp. 136-142, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne
Gruia, M.1988Hydrachnellae de Venezuela.Bol. Soc. Venezolana Espel. 23: 13-16
Gugel, J.1995Die Schwamm-Milbe Unionicola minor (Acari, Hydrachnellae, Unionicolidae) im Quellteich des Darmbaches bei Darmstadt.Hessische Faunistische Briefe 5 (1): 11-16
Harvey, M.S.1987New and little-known species of the water mite genera Tartarothyas, Pseudohydryphantes and Cyclohydryphantes from Australia (Chelicerata: Actinedida: Hydryphantidae).Mem. Mus. Victoria 48: 107-122
Harvey, M.S.1988Three new unusual water mites from Australia (Chelicerata: Acarina: Hydryphantidae, Hygrobatidae and Athienemanniidae).Mem. Mus. Victoria 49: 355-361
Harvey, M.S.1988Two new species of the water mite genus Aspidiobates Lundblad from Western Australia (Acarina: Hygrobatidae).Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 14: 199-209
Harvey, M.S.1988New species of the water mite family Hydryphantidae (Acarina) from the Northern Territory, Australia.The Beagle, Rec. North. Territ. Mus. Arts Sc. 5: 17-26
Harvey, M.S.1989A review of the water mite genus Australorivacarus K.O. Viets (Chelicerata: Actinedida: Hygrobatidae).Invertebr. Taxon. 3: 155-162
Harvey, M.S.1989A new species of Wuria K. Viets from northern Australia (Acarina: Arrenuridae).The Beagle, Rec. North. Territ. Mus. Arts Sc. 6: 85-88
Harvey, M.S.1990A review of the water mite family Anisitsiellidae in Australia (Acarina).Invertebr. Taxon. 3: 629-646
Harvey, M.S.1990Two new species of Partidomomonia Cook from south-eastern Australia (Acarina: Momoniidae).Mem. Mus. Victoria 50: 337-340
Harvey, M.S.1990Two new water mite genera from south-western Australia (Acarina: Aturidae, Mideopsidae).Mem. Mus. Victoria 50: 341-346
Harvey, M.S.1996A review of the water mite family Pionidae in Australia (Acarina: Hygrobatoidea).Records of the Western Australian Museum 17: 361-393
Harvey, M.S.1996Two new species of the water mite genus Penemideopsis from Western Australia (Acarina: Mideopsidae).Records of the Western Australian Museum 17: 443-446
Harvey, M.S.1996A revised systematic placement for Austrotrombella Southcott (Acarina: Hydryphantidae).Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 120 (1): 37-40
Harvey, M.S.1998The Australian water mites. A guide to Families and Genera.Monographs on Invertebrate Taxonomy 4. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, 150 p.
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Sebastian Scheidegger

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