Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  <<  201  221  241  261  281  301  321  341  361  381  >> 

Altman, ArthurPfc 120/CN 
Altree, Arthur F.TSgt3670198130 MP Plat 
Alva, Philip B.  119/AT 
Alvarado, Julian R.Pfc38232222119/Unk Co 
Alvaro. Joseph M.T/531039228119/F 
Alverson, Robert E.Pfc 823 TD/UnkCo 
Alvis, James B., Jr.T/5 119/Unk Co 
Alvis, unkCpl 117/3rd 
Amaral, John D.Pfc 120/CN 
Amaya, Alfonse A.  119/AT 
Ambrozia, JustynPfc33356468119 
Ambrulavich, Joseph J.Pvt 117/2nd 
Amburgey, Arnold M.SSgt 743 Tank/C 
Amend, Allen L.CaptO-1574017730 Ord/Hq 
Amend, Wilbur J.SSgt 118 FA/A 
American Horse, Mathe  117 
Ames, Lawrence O.Pfc 118 FA/C 
Amiel, Robert L.TSgt34012998117/CN
Amiot, Bert  743 Tank/B 
Amiot, Gilbert H.Pfc 743 Tank/Hq 

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