Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  <<  24601  24621  24641  24661  24681  24701  24721  24741  24761 

Young, Lloyd W.Pfc31461503120/A 
Young, Lowery W.T/5 117/Medic 
Young, Luther A.Pfc 120/Unk Co 
Young, Marion D.Pfc 119/Unk Co 
Young, Marvin M.T/5 113 Rcn 
Young, Melvin J.1Sg 113 FA/G 
Young, Milo A.  531 AAA/Btry B 
Young, Oscar L.Pvt 743 Tank/D 
Young, Raymond  119/AT 
Young, Roy V.2nd LtO120/A 
Young, Tom H.  120/Unk Co 
Young, Vernice H.Pfc34792409117 
Young, Vester C.SSgt34013125119/2nd 
Young, Walter H.Pfc 120/E 
Young, Warren  117/Medic 
Young, Weston D.  117 
Young, William H.1st Sgt 730 Ord/Hq 
Youngberg, Robert C.1st Lt 823 TD/B 
Younger, Jerome A.SSgt DHQ 
Youngman, James A.  Div Arty/Hq Btry 

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