Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  <<  24401  24421  24441  24461  24481  24501  24521  24541  24561  24581  >> 

Woodell, Benjamin S.Pfc 117 
Woodell, Joseph L.Pvt 113 FA/E 
Woodell, Julius G.Pfc 113 FA/H 
Woodham, Edward H.Pvt 117/E 
Woodhouse, Guy E.Pfc15330396119/F 4th Plt 
Woodle, Roy L.Pfc 747 Tk 
Woodlief, Roy D.TSgt3400?222119/C 
Woodock, Floyd L.SSgt 117 
Woodruff, James E.Pfc 113 FA/Band 
Woodruff, John A.Pfc 30 Signal Co 
Woodruff, Marvil L.Pvt34335825120/B 
Woodruff, Marvin L.1st Lt.O-1174745118 FA/C, 113 FA 
Woodrum, William N.  120/M 
Woods, George F.Pfc 117/CR,A
Woods, Harrison W.1st Sgt20452463119/3rd 
Woods, Horace J.  120/Unk Co 
Woods, John E.Pfc 823 TD/C 
Woods, John J.T/5 117 
Woods, John T.  823 TD/Recon 
Woods, William J.Pvt3401198730 MP Plat 

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