Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  <<  201  221  241  261  281  301  321  341  361  381  >> 

Aleo, Vincent J.Pfc36709411117/G 
Alessi, Charles J.Pfc33391877119/G 
Alewine, Russell L.  531 AAA/Hq 
Alex, Jerome H.SSgt 120/Unk Co 
Alexander, Andrew C., Jr.T/535431554120/I 
Alexander, Earl E.Pvt 113 FA/H 
Alexander, Franzel E.T/5 117/Hq 
Alexander, Hershel F.  119/Unk Co 
Alexander, Irvin F.Pvt 105 Eng 
Alexander, John P.  119/G 
Alexander, Leland E.  115 MG/A 
Alexander, Lynn B.Pvt36887355119/G 
Alexander, M. C.Sgt 117/AN,NF
Alexander, Maurice L.  117/K 
Alexander, Merrill S.Lt ColO-1169838230/B,230/C 
Alexander, Nicholas P.  117/I 
Alexander, Paul C.1st LtO117/A 
Alexander, R. D.Pfc36893722120/Unk Co 
Alexander, Reginald K.Pvt 743 Tank/B 
Alexander, Robert S.Cpl 118 FA/SVC 

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