Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  1  21  41  61  81  101  121  141  161  181  >> 

Aguilar, Sixto  531 AAA/Btry C 
Aguirre, Paul P.Pfc39260922120/Unk Co 
Ahern, Maurice W.Pfc31089360119/Unk Co 
Aherne, Edward W.Pfc 119/Unk Co 
Ahinger, Walter O.Cpl39538037119/H 
Aho, Arvo O.T/5 Band 
Ahonen, Donald L.2nd Lt.O-1176870230/Unk Co 
Ahrens, Edward W.Pfc32366415119/3rd 
Ahrlich, Herman W.Sgt31248685105 Eng/B 
Ahyo, BanabaTSgt 120/Unk Co 
Aicher, Ralph T.Pfc 743 Tank/A 
Aiken, Aubrey W.Pvt 117/AT 
Aiken, Ralph C.T/4 105 Eng 
Aikens, Russel C.Pfc 743 Tank/D 
AIlen, William W.TSgt 117 
AIlensworth, John E.1stSgt 823 TD/UnkCo 
Aired, Harley S.Cpl 120/Unk Co 
AItergott, JacobSgt 743 Tank/Unk Co 
Aitken, Robert A.SSgt 117 
Aker, George F.Pfc 117 

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