Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  1  21  41  61  81  101  121  141  161  181  >> 

Adkins, Lloyd J.CaptO743 Tank/Unk Co 
Adkins, MillardCpl15058126117/M 
Adkins, Millard W.Sgt35507393119/F 
Adkins, Raymond C.SSgt 197 FA 
Adkins, WilliamPvt 119/D 
Adkinson, Joseph BarnardSSgt 119 WW1 CMOH 
Adkinson, Theodore Bruce1st LtO743 Tank/C 
Adkison, Richard E.1st Lt.O-1293412120/C 
Adkisson, Robert G.Pvt 120/A 
Adlesic, Edward M.SSgt 119/Unk Co 
Adolphson, George H.Cpl 120/Unk Co 
Adoro, JohnPfc32318980119/E 
Adrigonal, John W.  119/G 
Affe, George J.Pfc 117/C,117/1st/HqNF,R,A,CE
Aghurst, Morris E.Pfc3401195630 MP Plat 
Agney, Lloyd E.Pfc36583430119/G 
Agnifile, Silvio  823 TD/Recon 
Agostino, Lawrence D.Pfc 743 Tank/A 
Agranoff, Leo NMIPvt32519335113 FA/A 
Agrlosti, JamesPfc35613503119/K 

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