Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  1  21  41  61  81  101  121  141  161  181  >> 

Adams, Alexander PrattCaptO-1309485117/Hq 
Adams, Alves P.Sgt20418530119/E 
Adams, Arlon L.Pfc36960294119/F 
Adams, Barnwell C.  119/G 
Adams, Calvin V.Pvt 117/BCE
Adams, CarlPvt34322243119/E 
Adams, Cleveland L.T/5 DHQ,30 MP Plat 
Adams, Cleveland L.  30 MP Plat 
Adams, David W., Jr.Pfc 117/CN,NF,R,A
Adams, Ernest L.Pfc 118 FA/B 
Adams, Ernest O.  120/SVC 
Adams, Forest E.Cpl 117 
Adams, Frank L.SSgt33042403119/E 
Adams, Fredrick H.Sgt 117/1st/HqN,NF,R,A,CE
Adams, Harold D.Sgt 743 Tank/C 
Adams, Hillard E.Pfc 120/Unk Co 
Adams, Horace H.Sgt20418530119/Unk Co 
Adams, Jackson C.Pfc 120/CN 
Adams, James A.Pvt 117/Medic 
Adams, James E.  119/G 

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