Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  1  21  41  61  81  101  121  141  161  181  >> 

Abrams, William C.Pvt 113 FA/C 
Abromowich, Anthony J.T/4 743 Tank/C 
Abruscato, JimSgt UnkN
Abshire, Rinzy G.Pvt33213151117/AT 
Accardi, Isadore J.  119/Unk Co 
Achterhof, HenryPfc 120/A 
Acker, WilliamT/4 117 
Ackerman, Herbert L.Pvt 117/A 
Ackerman, Jasper D.CaptODHQ 
Ackerman, Robert F.TSgt 117 
Acklin, Christopher P. O118 Inf 
Ackroyd, Ivan D.  823 TD/Hq 
Acosta, David P.T/5 230/C 
Acosta, FrankPfc39537402119/B 
Acosta, JohnT/539294759119/Unk Co 
Acred, Rabon F.Pfc34502740120/D 
Acton, Jack L.Pvt36889665119/Unk Co 
Acton, Jacob  119/Unk Co 
Adam, Joseph L.Pvt31244353113 FA/A 
Adams, (unknown)Pvt34243151119/E 

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