Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"

Database 30th Infantry division "Old Hickory"
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24776 entries in all:  <<  24601  24621  24641  24661  24681  24701  24721  24741  24761 

Zubko, Paul P.Pfc 743 Tank/C 
Zuckerman, Irving H.Pfc 119,120/K 
Zuidema, John A.TSgt36704981120/Unk Co 
Zullo, Leopold (Paul)  117/I 
Zumwalt, Marvin E.SSgt17077268119/M 
Zuniga, Joseph M.Pvt 743 Tank/A 
Zupo, VictorSgt32517490120/Unk Co 
Zurack, John J.Cpl 117/2nd 
Zutic, Andrew F.  120/Unk Co 
Zuvella, Anthony J.Sgt35521660105 Eng/B 
Zuzack, Robert R.Pvt 117/ANF
Zweifel, Edward W.  117/M 
Zwick, Harold T.Pvt32808974105 Eng 
Zwicker, Arthur A.T/436020092120/I 
Zygmant, Frank J.Pvt20608219119/F 
Zywiec, Joseph R.SSgt 803 TD 

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